The 14th Air Force Association-Flying Tigers held a final reunion from May 24 through May 27, 2007 at Crystal City, Virginia. Members of the 69th Depot Repair Squadron, family and friends joined in the celebration. There were a total of 732 people, including families and friends in attendance.The following who served in China with the 69th Depot Repair Squadron, 301st Air Depot Group attended the reunion with family and friends;
William Barancyk, Jack Higbee, Duane Koshork, William Laun, Melvin Levitt, Arthur Littman, Gene Mc Lendon, Martin Oxenburg, George Peffer, Ronald Rhodes, Earl Strobeck, Henry Tursky and Stanley Wenc.
On Thursday, May 24th the 69th DRS held a memorial service for all our deceased Buddies. Names of deceased were called, and in their honor a flag was passed through the hands of surviving friends.
On Saturday, May 26th many gathered at Arlington Cemetery for a memorial service for those who had died the previous year ( May 2006-April 2007.
On Sunday, May 27th the 69th DRS members, families and friends attended a farewell breakfast
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